Finalizing the Rollout Plan: An Overview

The results of the pilot installation provide the basis for developing a final plan for rollout. Using the actual time and resource requirements from the smaller-scale pilot rollout, teams make projections for time and resources, corresponding to the company-wide scope of the final rollout. If additional resources are required, identify these and acquire them at this time. In addition, update company policies and standards regarding computer and network use to accommodate the Windows 95 implementation.

Finalize the Rollout Plan



Start week


1: Determine your rollout goals — specifically the number of computers on which you will install Windows 95 and the time expected for completion. During preparation for final rollout, check off items on this list as they are resolved.

Planning, Executive

Week 12

5 days

2: Budget the resources, in terms of personnel and tools, required to meet your goals.


Week 12

3 days

3: If necessary, present the budget and obtain approval for the resources and the rollout process.

Executive, Planning

Week 13

2 days

4: Hire and train the extended Installation team and purchase the additional software or tools needed.

Training, Installation

Week 13

10 days

5: Update the company's hardware and software standards lists.


Week 13

2 days

6: Update the company's policies and practices manuals or guidelines for use of computers and the network.


Week 13

2 days

7: Notify your users that company standards and policies for computer use will be enforced prior to the installation and that they must bring their computers into compliance.


Week 13

1 day

8: If appropriate, edit the Windows 95 Help file to add company-specific Help for line-of-business applications, and to remove unwanted information about the capabilities you plan to disable in Windows 95.

Planning, Support

Week 14

3 days

9: For each computer, create a template as a database for documenting and tracking any system problems or deficiencies that require further attention.


Week 13

2 days

10: Post the updated template to a central network location.


Week 13

2 days