Testing the Installation

After you've set up a computer with Windows 95, you'll need to run a variety of tests to make sure that it runs correctly on your network and that you can still perform all of your usual tasks. Use your own testing methodology or test the following to verify correct system operation:

Make sure to test all mission-critical applications for proper function. If you encounter problems, try removing features from the proposed configuration as a solution. Document any changes made to the original configuration.

If the preferred client configuration works as expected, you may also want to conduct additional testing of the optional software features and components in Windows 95. This can help you determine whether you are running Windows 95 optimally. For this kind of testing, conduct side-by-side evaluations on two computers, changing individual features on each one, to determine the following:

To evaluate network client software for Novell NetWare, run your network performance tests in the following configurations:

Perform several common tasks such as connecting to the network, administering a remote NetWare server, and so on, to test for ease of use. Similarly, you'll want to run any business-specific NetWare applications under Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks to make sure that they run compatibly. Any stability issues should become apparent during this testing.

When you have identified a configuration that performs well during testing, test the same configuration using other hardware from your company.

See Part 3, "Networking," in the Windows 95 Resource Kit to understand the differences in functionality between network clients.