Documenting Rollout Logistics

This task involves determining the timing and the process for pilot installation and choosing the pilot user group.

Although it is a test, the first pilot rollout sets the tone for and presents an example of the final rollout, so it is important to be completely prepared with all aspects of the rollout. This requires that you determine the time it will take for installation, the personnel and tools needed to facilitate the process, and the overall schedule.

Start by identifying the target computers and their location. Then use the following list as the basis of your checklist for rollout logistics:

As you develop the checklist of logistics, consider your goals for the pilot rollout and the factors that define its success. For example, you might set a percentage for successful upgrades or for automated installations that, if achieved, would indicate that the rollout had been successful. Document these goals and criteria, so that teams can monitor performance against them during the rollout.