Registry Entries

The Registry entries for Schedule+ and Mail are found in the following Registry paths:


In the Schedule+ entries you will find your preferences, such as colors and general options, and the location of your calendar files and archives. When Schedule+ uses Mail functionality, such as for logging on and using custom message types, Mail reads the necessary information from the Registry. The SCHMSG32.DLL file refers to the Mail entries in the Registry to find out how to launch Schedule+ when you choose the View Schedule button from within the Microsoft Mail client (this button is displayed when you read received meeting requests). For more information, see "Registry Entries for Microsoft Mail" and "Registry Entries for Microsoft Schedule+" in Chapter 14, "Registry Value Entries."

The access privileges you set for Schedule+ are not stored in the Registry. They are stored in your calendar (.CAL) file on the postoffice so that Schedule+ can check for the following types of information: