Program Manager Entries for Users

UNICODE Program Groups Entries

The UNICODE Program Group key contains subkeys that define the contents of all personal program groups in Program Manager, under this Registry path:


Common groups are defined under the following key:


The information stored in these subkeys is in binary format, so you cannot easily edit it from Registry Editor. To change the content of program groups, use the mouse and keyboard techniques in Program Manager.

Program Manager Software Groups Entries

The Groups key specifies group numbers for the defined program groups, under this Registry path:

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Program Manager

These are the default entries. All data types are REG_SZ.

Group3=Administrative Tools

Restrictions Entries for Program Manager

The Restrictions subkey defines restrictions for activities in Program Manager, under this Registry path:

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\Program Manager\Restrictions

Restrictions can be defined for users in User Profile Editor.

EditLevel REG_DWORD Number

Sets restrictions for what users can modify in Program Manager. You can specify one of the following values.




Allows the user to make any change. (This is the default value.)


Prevents the user from creating, deleting, or renaming groups. If you specify this value, the New, Move, Copy, and Delete commands on the File menu are not available when a group is selected.


Sets all restrictions in EditLevel=1 and prevents the user from creating or deleting program items. If you specify this value, the New, Move, Copy, and Delete commands on the File menu are not available at all.


Sets all restrictions in EditLevel=2 and prevents the user from changing command lines for program items. If you specify this value, the text in the Command Line box in the Properties dialog box cannot be changed.


Sets all restrictions in EditLevel=3 and prevents the user from changing any program item information. If you specify this value, none of the areas in the Properties dialog box can be modified. The user can view the dialog box, but all of the areas are dimmed.

Default: 0

NoClose REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Disables the Exit Windows command on the File menu if this value is 1. Users cannot quit Program Manager through the File Menu or the Control menu (the Exit Windows and Close commands will be dimmed), or by using ALT+F4.

Default: 0

NoFileMenu REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Removes the File menu from Program Manager if this value is 1. All of the commands on that menu are unavailable. Users can start the applications in groups by selecting them and pressing ENTER, or by double-clicking the icon. Unless you have also disabled the Exit Windows command, users can still quit Windows by using the Control menu or ALT+F4.

Default: 0

NoRun REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Disables the Run command on the File menu if this value is 1. The Run command is dimmed on the File menu, and the user cannot run applications from Program Manager unless the applications are set up as icons in a group.

Default: 0

NoSaveSettings REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Disables the Save Settings on Exit command on the Options menu if this value is 1. The Save Settings command is dimmed on the Options menu, and any changes that the user makes to the arrangement of windows and icons are not saved when Windows NT is restarted. This setting overrides the SaveSettings value in the Program Manager subkey.

Default: 0

Restrictions REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Turns restrictions on or off.

Default: 0

ShowCommonGroups REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Controls whether common program groups are displayed.

Default: 0x1

Program Manager Settings Entries

AutoArrange REG_DWORD 0 or 1

If the AutoArrange command is checked on the Options menu in Program Manager, this value is 1, and the icons in each group are automatically arranged when you run Program Manager.

Default: 0x1

CheckBinaryTimeout REG_DWORD 0 to 4294967295 milliseconds

Allows you to configure the auto-check delay. When you bring up either the Run dialog box, the New Item dialog box, or the Edit Item dialog box, the "Run in Separate Memory Space" checkbox automatically turns on and off depending on the executable name being typed in. The delay between the last character typed and before the autochecking starts is this value. For example, if you are in a network environment and are concerned about network traffic caused by autochecking the binary type, increase this value to reduce the number of times the file is checked.

Default: 500

CheckBinaryType REG_DWORD 0 or 1

Allows you to turn off the binary type checking. When you bring up either the Run dialog box, the New Item dialog box, or the Edit Item dialog box, the "Run in Separate Memory Space" checkbox automatically turns on and off depending on the executable name being typed in. If you want this auto-checking feature turned off (and the checkbox always enabled), set this value to 0. For example, you might set this value to 0 if you frequently use a floppy disk drive to run programs, or if you are concerned about network traffic caused by auto-checking files on the server.

Default: 1

display.drv REG_SZ filename

Defines the video display driver used.

Default: vga.drv

MinOnRun REG_DWORD 0 or 1

If the Minimize On Use command is checked on the Options menu in Program Manager, this value is 1, and Program Manager is iconized when you run another application.

Default: 0x1

SaveSettings REG_DWORD 0 or 1

If the Save Settings On Exit command on the Options menu is checked in Program Manager, this value is 1, and Program Manager saves the current configuration when you close Windows.

Default: 0x1


List the order (Z order) in which the UNICODE groups and common groups appear in Program Manager.

Default: (none)

Window REG_SZ

Four numbers that indicate the pixel position of the window when Program Manager is opened, followed by a 1 if the window is maximized.

Default: 68 63 636 421 1