Transport Protocols

Sandwiched between the NDIS interface and the TDI are transport protocol device drivers. These drivers communicate with a network adapter card via a NDIS-compliant device driver.

Figure 1.6 Transport Protocols

Windows NT includes these transports:

Transport Protocols and Streams

Windows NT supports Streams-compliant protocols provided by third parties. These protocols use Streams as an intermediary between the protocol and next interface layer (NDIS on the bottom and TDI on top). Calls to the transport protocol driver must first go through the upper layer of the Streams device driver to the protocol, then back through the lower layer of Streams to the NDIS device driver.

Using Streams makes it easier for developers to port other protocol stacks to Windows NT. It also encourages protocol stacks to be organized in a modular, stackable style, which is in keeping with the original OSI model.