The GUI Batch Processor

You may want to automate use of Performance Monitor beyond what is possible in settings files. If this is the case, we direct your attention to a product known as Microsoft Test, known affectionately around here as MS Test. MS Test records your keystrokes and mouse movements to drive GUI applications like Performance Monitor.

You need to use the 32-bit version of MS Test to drive Performance Monitor, because the latter is a 32-bit application. This is provided in the latest release of the Microsoft Test product.

There is really no limit to what you can do now. You can use MS Test to start and stop Performance Monitor at particular times of the day or week, or to change the time interval of observations as the day progresses. It can start multiple copies of Performance Monitor, setting up measurements for a whole network with ease. Each copy of Performance Monitor contains the name of its settings file in its title bar. MS Test can use this name to select the various copies for control.

As we promised, you'll be dangerous!