Creating a Palette in Windowed Mode

The following example illustrates how to create a DirectDraw palette in nonexclusive (windowed) mode. In order for your palette to work correctly, it is vital that you set up every one of the 256 entries in the PALETTEENTRY structure that you submit to the IDirectDraw2::CreatePalette method.

LPDIRECTDRAW        lpDD; // Assumed to be initialized previously 
PALETTEENTRY        pPaletteEntry[256]; 
int                 index; 
HRESULT             ddrval; 
// First set up the Windows static entries. 
for (index = 0; index < 10 ; index++) 
    // The first 10 static entries: 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peFlags = PC_EXPLICIT; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peRed = index; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peGreen = 0; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peBlue = 0; 
    // The last 10 static entries: 
    pPaletteEntry[index+246].peFlags = PC_EXPLICIT; 
    pPaletteEntry[index+246].peRed = index+246; 
    pPaletteEntry[index+246].peGreen = 0; 
    pPaletteEntry[index+246].peBlue = 0; 
// Now set up private entries. In this example, the first 16 
// available entries are animated. 
for (index = 10; index < 26; index ++) 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE|PC_RESERVED; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peRed = 255; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peGreen = 64; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peBlue = 32; 
// Now set up the rest, the nonanimated entries. 
for (; index < 246; index ++) // Index is set up by previous for loop 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peRed = 25; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peGreen = 6; 
    pPaletteEntry[index].peBlue = 63; 
// All 256 entries are filled. Create the palette. 
ddrval = lpDD->CreatePalette(DDPCAPS_8BIT, pPaletteEntry, 