
The DirectXRegisterApplication function registers an application as one designed to work with DirectPlayLobby.

int WINAPI DirectXRegisterApplication(
  HWND hWnd,                       


Handle to the parent window. If this parameter is set to NULL, the desktop is the parent window.
Address of the DIRECTXREGISTERAPP structure that contains the registry entries that are required for the application to function properly with DirectPlayLobby.

Return Values

If this function is successful, it returns TRUE.

If it is not successful, it returns FALSE. Use the GetLastError Win32 function to get extended error information.


The DirectXRegisterApplication function inserts the registry entries needed for an application to operate with DirectPlayLobby. If these registry entries are added with DirectXRegisterApplication, they should be removed with DirectXUnRegisterApplication when the application is uninstalled.

Many commercial install programs will remove registry entries automatically when a program in uninstalled. However, such a program will only do so if it added the registry entries itself. If the DirectPlayLobby registry entries are added by DirectXRegisterApplication, commercial install programs will not delete the registry entries when the application is uninstalled. Therefore, DirectPlayLobby registry entries that are created by DirectXRegisterApplication should be deleted by DirectXUnRegisterApplication.

Registry entries needed for DirectPlayLobby access can be created without the use of the DirectXRegisterApplication function. This, however, is not generally recommended. See Registering Lobby-able Applications in the DirectPlay® documentation.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dsetup.h.
  Import Library: Use dsetup.lib.

See Also
