Testing the Setup Program

Before you commit your application to a compact disc or floppy disks, you should test your setup program. Do this by creating an application directory that contains all of your application's files, the setup program, and the DirectX files and drivers.

    To set up the application directory
  1. Create a directory that includes all of your application's files. Be sure to create any subdirectories that are needed. Place the appropriate application files in the subdirectories.
  2. Copy the setup program you wrote to the root of your application directory.
  3. At the MS-DOS prompt, use the xcopy command to copy the Redist directory on the DirectX compact disc to the root of your application directory. For example, if your application's root directory is D:\Fungame, and the E: drive is your CD-ROM drive, type the following:

    xcopy /s e:\redist\*.* d:\fungame

    Note  The root of your application directory should include the entire contents of the Redist directory distributed with the DirectX Programmer's Reference. This is essential to ensure that the DirectXSetup function and the Dxsetup.exe file work properly.