DirectPlay Animated Header -- IDirectPlayLobby2::CreateCompoundAddress DirectPlay Animated Header -- IDirectPlayLobby2::CreateCompoundAddress* Microsoft DirectPlay SDK
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IDirectPlayLobby2 Interface

Creates a DirectPlay Address from a list of individual data chunks. This method can be used to create longer DirectPlay Addresses than IDirectPlayLobby2::CreateAddress allows. For a list of predefined Microsoft data types, see DirectPlay Address Data Types.

HRESULT CreateCompoundAddress(
  DWORD dwElementCount,
  LPVOID lpAddress,
  LPDWORD lpdwAddressSize

Pointer to the first element in an array of DPCOMPOUNDADDRESSELEMENT structures that will be used to generate the DirectPlay Address.
The number of address elements in the array pointed to by the lpElements parameter.
Pointer to a buffer that the complete DirectPlay Address is to be written to. Pass NULL if only the required size of the buffer is desired.
Pointer to a DWORD with the size of the lpData buffer. The DWORD will be modified to reflect the actual number of bytes copied into the buffer. If the buffer was too small, it will contain the number of bytes required.
Return Values

Returns DP_OK if successful, or one of the following error values otherwise:

See Also

IDirectPlayLobby2::CreateAddress, IDirectPlayLobby2::EnumAddress, DPCOMPOUNDADDRESSELEMENT

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