DirectShow Animated Header -- IMixerPinConfig2 Interface DirectShow Animated Header -- IMixerPinConfig2 Interface* Microsoft DirectShow SDK
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IMixerPinConfig2 Interface

The IMixerPinConfig2 interface is exposed on the input pins of overlay mixer filters and contains methods that manipulate video color controls, if the VGA chip supports it.

This interface derives from the IMixerPinConfig interface.

Use this interface to manipulate the video color controls involved in mixing various video streams.

When to Implement

DirectShow implements this interface on the input pins of overlay mixer filters. Developers should implement this interface when they create filters that need to control video colors.

When to Use

Applications use this interface to get and set video color controls when mixing multiple video streams.

Methods in Vtable Order
IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Retrieves pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments the reference count.
Release Decrements the reference count.
IMixerPinConfig2 methods Description
SetOverlaySurfaceColorControls Sets the color control settings associated with the specified overlay surface.
GetOverlaySurfaceColorControls Retrieves the color control settings currently associated with the specified overlay surface.


IMixerPinConfig2 Interface

Retrieves the color control settings associated with the specified overlay surface.

HRESULT GetOverlaySurfaceColorControls(
  ) PURE;

[out] Address of the DDCOLORCONTROL structure containing the color values currently applied to the specified surface.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. If the allocator on the pin is not using an overlay surface, E_FAIL is returned.


IMixerPinConfig2 Interface

Sets the color control settings associated with the specified overlay surface.

HRESULT SetOverlaySurfaceColorControls(
  ) PURE;

[in] Address of the DDCOLORCONTROL structure containing the new values to be applied to the specified surface.
Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation of the interface. If the allocator on the pin is not using an overlay surface, E_FAIL is returned.

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