DirectShow Animated Header -- What's New in the DirectShow SDK? DirectShow Animated Header -- What's New in the DirectShow SDK?* Microsoft DirectShow SDK
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What's New in the DirectShow 5.2b SDK?

The Microsoft® DirectX® Media 5.2b SDK is an update to the DirectX Media 5.1 SDK, released in November 1997. For a description of what was new in the DirectShow 5.1 SDK, see What's New in the DirectShow 5.1 SDK?

The DirectX Media 5.2b run time has improvements in two specific areas—DVD Playback and WDM Capture support.

For DVD playback, the run time provides support for PAL DVD discs as well as improved interactive responsiveness. The run time has also been tested with many new DVD titles that were released in the last two months.

The Overlay Mixer, which is a key rendering component for DVD playback, has been improved in the following areas.

The video and audio capture infrastructure has been enhanced to add support for more types of WDM streaming class capture hardware running under Microsoft® Windows® 98 or Windows NT® 5.0. If your application is going to work with this new hardware, you should re-read the capture interface descriptions and re-read the code for our sample capture application, Amcap.exe found in the Capture sample directory.

In addition, a new video control interface has been added, IAMVideoControl, that enables you to flip a picture horizontally and/or vertically, to set up a stream so that it can capture from an external trigger, to simulate an external trigger in software, and to list the current frame rate, maximum frame rate, and available frame rates.

A new filter, Smart Tee, has been added to aid preview on capture filters that only have a capture pin and not a preview pin.

What's New in the DirectShow 5.1 SDK?

The Microsoft® DirectShow™ SDK (formerly the Microsoft ActiveMovie™ SDK) is now part of the Microsoft DirectX® Media SDK. Features added since ActiveMovie 1.x include video and audio capture and compression, device enumeration, digital versatile disc (DVD) support, digital video (DV) support, cutlist support, device control and timecode support, and multimedia streaming. See the topics in the following lists for details of all the DirectShow SDK's new features. For the most recent updates to this documentation, consult the Microsoft DirectX Web site at


Multimedia Streaming


DirectShow COM Interfaces

The following lists group the new DirectShow interfaces by area. In addition, the Multimedia Streaming Reference contains interfaces specific to multimedia streaming.

Capture, Compression, Device Enumeration, and Windows Driver Model (WDM) Capture Interfaces

DirectSound Interface

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD), Closed Captioning, Property Set, and Video Port (VP) Interfaces

Cutlist Interfaces

Device Control and Timecode Interfaces

Memory Allocation/Media Sample Interfaces



The following lists group the filters by category. Some filters can fit in more than one category so be sure to look at the different categories to see what new filters are available.

Capture, WDM Capture, and File Writing Filters

Digital Video (DV) Filters

Cutlist Filter

Closed Captioning Filters

Compression and Decompression Filters (Codecs)

Parser, Renderer, and Mixer Filters

DVD Filter

Classes, Functions, and Macros

The following material relating to the ActiveMovie Control has been significantly updated:

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