Performance Monitor Functions

The Win32 SDK includes functions that let you set counters used by the Windows NT Performance Monitor. The Microsoft Exchange Server SDK includes functions for performance monitoring:

Function Action When Called
HrMonInit Begins monitoring When the gateway starts
HrMonUninit Ends monitoring When the gateway exits
HrMonCollectNDRStats Updates statistics for NDR messages After processing an NDR message
HrMonCollectMessageXferStats Updates statistics for message transfers After transferring a message
HrMonCollectAssociationStats Updates statistics for associations After creating, deleting, or changing associations
HrMonLockCounters Locks a set of counters against access by other threads Before accessing a user-defined counter
HrMonUnlockCounters Unlocks a set of counters After accessing a user-defined counter

These and other functions used for performance monitoring are supplied in the libraries EXCHINST.LIB, MONITOR.LIB, and STATS.LIB. See also HrInstallServicePerfMon, HrRemoveServicePerfMon, COUNTERDEF.