Specifying the Import Mode for BatchImport

The second column is called Mode. It is used to specify the operation mode for the import procedure and is optional. If it is not specified in the import file, the import function assumes Update mode.

Import Modes Used by BatchImport

Mode Import Behavior
Update Create data if it does not exist; modify data if it does exist. This is the default mode if no Mode is specified
Create Specifies that information contained in the row is to be used to create a new object of type Obj-Class; generate an error if the object already exists.
Modify Specifies that information contained in the row is to be used to modify the existing object identified by Common-Name; generate an error if the object is not found.
Delete Specifies that an existing object identified by Common-Name is to be deleted; log a warning if the object is not found.

When creating a directory object, be sure to use Create mode if you need to have an error generated for failed creation operations.