Setting the Build Type

You can choose either the DEBUG or RETAIL build type for Microsoft Exchange Server sample applications. Changing the build type changes the products of the build. Either of these versions can built at any time.

Debug Version

The DEBUG version of Microsoft Exchange Server sample applications includes the debug DLLs for creating and debugging new applications. Because the DEBUG build includes the debugging functions, it is larger and runs more slowly than the other two versions. If the BLDTYPE is set to DEBUG, this version of a product is built in the <component>\WIN32\DEBUG directory. This will not affect any products that may exist in the WIN32\RETAIL directory. If you do not specify a build type, the DEBUG build type will be chosen.

Note The Microsoft Exchange Server sample applications are shipped in a compiled version, in the \BKOFFICE\BIN directory and its subdirectories. These applications have been compiled with the build type set to RETAIL. You can recompile these sample applications with the DEBUG build type. If you recompile an individual sample application, recompile the EXCHSDK library from the LIBSRC directory with the DEBUG build type before compiling the sample application to avoid link errors.

To build with the DEBUG version, type a command that includes the DEBUG flag . For example: NMAKE BLDTYPE=DEBUG

Retail Version

The RETAIL version of a Microsoft Exchange Server sample application includes no debug DLLs, performance monitoring, or profiling tools, so it has the best performance. A RETAIL version is usually built when you are satisfied with an application's functionality and performance. If the BLDTYPE is set to RETAIL, this version of a sample application is built in the <component>\WIN32\RETAIL directory. Therefore, it will not affect any applications that may exist in the <component>\WIN32\DEBUG directory. The compiled set of sample applications included with this SDK is built with the RETAIL build type.

To build with the RETAIL version, type a command that includes the RETAIL flag.