Caching Sessions and Scripts

Your handler's design depends in part on the number of folders it will be used in and the workload (number, or volume, of events) it will carry within a folder. One affected design element is whether to cache a CDO session and a script. Consider the following cases:

In general, caching is more likely to help if high volume is involved.

In the case of the Microsoft Exchange Scripting Handler, if a new CDO session (which includes a logon to MAPI) had to be created every time a script fired, performance would suffer greatly. In this case, the session object (using the mailbox of the script author) is cached, which helps greatly. In other words, if a new script is run whose author also created another recently run script, that person's CDO session, having been cached, is reused. The script itself is also cached, to be used when the next event triggers it.

CDO Sessions and MAPI Sessions

The session that is passed to you is a MAPI session from the service, not a CDO session. This precludes Microsoft Visual Basic handlers from using it, because Visual Basic can only manipulate the IDispatch interface, an interface that MAPI does not support.

If your custom agent is written in Microsoft Visual Basic, it will need to perform its own CDO session logon.