At a Glance: Setting up the Event Service

Perform the following actions to install and configure the Microsoft Exchange Event Service.

    To set up the Event Service
  1. While installing Microsoft Exchange Server (version 5.5 or later), your system administrator also installs the Microsoft Exchange Event Service. Once the Event Service is installed, it will run automatically as a Microsoft Windows NTŪ service when you start Microsoft Exchange Server. During installation, a folder (called EventConfig_<ServerName>) is automatically created in the information store. This folder holds information about the Event Service. You will use this folder in a later step when binding agents to the server.
  2. (Optional) Install Microsoft Visual Studio, to use as a script editor. Otherwise, Notepad is the default script editor.
  3. To configure Microsoft Visual Studio so that you can edit and save scripts for the Exchange Scripting Agent, refer to the Release Notes included with your installation compact disk of Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5.
  4. Install Microsoft Outlook version 8.03 or later. (This is the version of Microsoft Outlook version that you receive with Microsoft Exchange Server version 5.5.)
  5. Have a Microsoft Exchange Server administrator grant permissions. You need sufficient permissions to run scripts in folders. For more information, see Granting Permissions.
  6. Create an agent to monitor and respond to events in a folder. This involves writing and adding scripts to the folder, and binding agents to the computer running Microsoft Exchange Server, on which you want the scripts to run.
  7. (Optional) Advanced users can write a custom agent, instead of a script, to process events.