access control list (ACL)
A list that is used by a Microsoft Exchange Server information store to controls access to its objects. Most information store objects — including servers, sites, containers, mailboxes, and folders as represented within the information store — can have an associated ACL that lists members and their associated security privileges. Each member of an ACL is one of four entities: a user from the Microsoft Exchange Server address book, a distribution list (DL) from a Microsoft Exchange Server address book, a public folder, or a defined role with a set of privileges such as Administrator or Default. For more information, see About Access Control Lists.
See access control list.
ACL object
Any object for which a user can have access rights, including a server, a site, a container, a mailbox, or a public folder.
Active Messaging Library
An Automation programming interface used primarily by Visual Basic and Visual C/C++ messaging client developers. Active Messaging Library provides programmable objects for messages, folders, recipient addresses, and other messaging components.
add-in application
A Microsoft Exchange Server application that does not communicate by means of a mailbox.
address book
A subset of the Microsoft Exchange Server directory that includes mailboxes, custom recipients, distribution lists, and public folders. It is available to users so they can access information about the organization as they would in a printed directory. The address book can contain one or more address lists. See also global address list, personal address book.
address space
The address information for a mail connector or gateway that identifies the type of messages handled by that connector or gateway. Address spaces are typically a subset of a complete address — they contain only the elements necessary to identify the route that a message should take.
address template
A component of an Addr-Type object. The address template consists of the controls for a dialog box that allows administrators to enter a new custom address. Using the custom address template is not required for running a gateway. However, it provides a friendly interface that the administrator can use to create custom recipients for the foreign system.

addressable object class
A class of objects that share a common set of attributes and behaviors and that can be addressed as such. Object classes derived from other object classes inherit all the attributes of the original object class. The directory schema consists of addressable object classes, as well as directory objects.
Administrator extension
An extension to the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program that adds one or more custom property pages to the property sheet of an object. These new property pages are implemented through an Administrator extension DLL.
Administrator extension DLL
A DLL (dynamic link library) used to control property pages that display extension data.
Administrator program
See Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program.
Administration Management Domain (ADMD)
A message transfer system (usually a large public carrier, such as AT&T and MCI).
Within ICS, the process that pairs a synchronizer to a collector and manages the synchronization process.
ambiguous name resolution (ANR)
Resolution of a partial user display name to a name that actually exists in the global address book.
applications program interface (API)
A set of functions used to manipulate an object or set of objects.
A piece of data that stores information that is specific to an object. A set of attributes store the data that define an object. An attribute of a MAPI object is called a property.
A user-interface option that is used to create rules for managing and organizing information. The Inbox Assistant is used to create rules that automatically filter incoming mail and take a variety of actions such as moving messages to a particular folder, forwarding messages to another user, or automatically deleting mail. The Out of Office Assistant is used to respond to e-mail when the user is out of the office.
The Automation interface (formerly known as OLE Automation) allows you to create and manipulate Schedule+ objects.