Modifying ACLs

The following procedure describes how to change one existing entry in an ACL table.

    To modify an ACL
  1. Retrieve an interface pointer to the ACL object by calling the HrFolderACLsOpen function.
  2. Use the ACL object’s IExchangeFolderACLs::HrSeek method to seek to the beginning of the table.
  3. Use the ACL object’s IExchangeFolderACLs::HrGet method within a loop to step through the ACL table. Stop when you reach the ACL to be modified. You can recognize the correct ACL table entry by examining the returned user display name and user entry identifier.
  4. Call the ACL object’s IExchangeFolderACLs::HrModify method to set the access rights for the current member of the ACL table. In this function call, pass the lRights parameter to specify the rights you are requesting for the current member of the ACL.