Creating a Profile through MAPI

This quick start procedure explains how to tailor profiles created to work with Microsoft Exchange Server. It is based on information about creating and configuring MAPI profiles in the Microsoft Exchange Client Extensions Programmer's Reference.

Design Tasks

In addition to the design tasks described in Creating and Configuring a Profile in the MAPI Programmer's Reference, you need to configure your new profile to be able to communicate with Microsoft Exchange Server. To do this, you need to know the name of the Home-Server and the mailbox name of your application. You also need to know whether the application for which the profile is being created will run as a service of Windows NT.

Implementation Tasks

Follow the steps in Creating and Configuring a Profile in the MAPI Programmer's Reference until you reach the step in which the MAPI IMsgServiceAdmin::ConfigureMsgService method is called. In this function call, specify the following information in the lpProps parameter. This parameter is a pointer to an SPropValue structure containing the values of the properties to display to the user in the property sheet.

After this, finish the remaining steps in Creating and Configuring a Profile.

About Sample Source Code

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