Sample Application Directory Structure
Installing the Microsoft Exchange Server SDK creates the following directory structure.
Microsoft Exchange Server SDK directory structure
Note The preceding figure shows only a subset of directories and subdirectories of the Microsoft Exchange Server SDK.
This installation's directories contain the following data:
\BKOFFICE Contains the README.WRI release notes file for the Microsoft Exchange Server SDK and other products.
\BKOFFICE\BIN Contains compiled sample applications and code libraries (.EXE files and DLLs).
\BKOFFICE\HELP Contains the online Help files, including SCHEMA.HLP.
\BKOFFICE\INCLUDE Contains the header files.
\BKOFFICE\LIB Contains code libraries (.LIB) for functions included in sample applications that can also be included in third-party applications. Subdirectories of the \BKOFFICE\LIB\ directory contain code libraries for other development platforms.
\BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE Contains the component directories for sample applications. Each sample application can be built separately in its own component directory, or the entire set of applications can be built from this directory.
\BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\LIBSRC Contains the component directories for libraries. Each library can be built in its own component directory, or the entire set of libraries can be built from this directory.
\BKOFFICE\BIN\SAMPLEGW Contains the set of files for a gateway setup program. This directory is separate to avoid conflicts between file names that are not unique. For example, the SETUP.INF file also appears in the mailbox agent setup program.
Source files for the sample gateway elements are located in other \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE subdirectories. For example, compile the sample gateway in the \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\GWSAMPLE directory. Compile the SGWADMIN.DLL library in the \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\SGWADMIN directory.
\BKOFFICE\BIN\SAMPLEMB Contains the set of files for a mailbox agent setup program. This directory is separate to avoid conflicts between file names that are not unique. For example, the SETUP.INF file also appears in the gateway setup program files.
Source files for the sample mailbox agent elements are located in other subdirectories of \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE. For example, compile the sample mailbox agent in the \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\SMBAGENT directory. Compile the SMBADMIN.DLL library in the \BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\SMBADMIN directory.