Sample Application Input Files

Input files are included with all sample applications that require them. This allows you to immediately run the sample applications. See File Formats for information on the types of input files needed for Microsoft Exchange Server applications.

The following sample input files are provided.

Sample Input File Description
PROXYGEN.DLL Sample DLL for creating proxy addresses of the type EDK.
SAMPLE.INI Input file of properties that can be used to produce the sample gateway property page.
FROMHR.CSV Sample import file that can be used with DSIMPORT.
WCHECK.EXE Sample form that sets up a two-person game of checkers.
CHEKRFORM.CFG .CFG file that must be installed for WCHECK.
SMBADMIN.DLL Sample DLL for the mailbox agent.
RULEEDIT.INI Sample .INI file used by the RULEEDIT sample to modify the rules on a mailbox.
POPPST.INI Sample .INI file to install in a new PST. Also includes a section that provides values for the properties of a new message, and a section that adds this message to an existing PST.

A batch file you can use to install the mailbox agent is also provided. See Using a Batch File to Install SMBAGENT.