TOOLFORM: Creating a C or C++ Form

The TOOLFORM sample application demonstrates how to create a form using C or C++, as well as how to install and use that form. A form created with C or C++ will perform more quickly but will not be as easy to modify as a form created with the Microsoft Exchange Forms Designer.

TOOLFORM is itself a form created using C++ and Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). A similar form could be created using C and MFC.

For general information about forms design, installation, and management, see Forms. Additional information can be found in the Microsoft Exchange Server Application Designer's Guide.

TOOLFORM is a simple form that lacks much of the functionality of other Microsoft Exchange Server forms. For example, the recipient is hard-coded and is called "Tools." The form's purpose is to demonstrate required C++ development tasks and the resulting performance advantage. The source code can be modified to produce a form similar to other Microsoft Exchange Server forms.

    To build TOOLFORM.EXE
  1. Change to the directory containing the TOOLFORM source files:


  2. Type NMAKE.

    To verify that the form has built correctly
  1. Change to the directory containing the form (\BKOFFICE\SAMPLES\EXCHANGE\TOOLFORM\WIN32\<build type>)
  2. Type TOOLFORM. You should see a copy of the form.

To install the TOOLFORM form in the Forms Library, use the INSTFORM sample application, or use the standard form install procedure on the Microsoft Exchange Client.

Before you run INSTFORM, edit the .CFG file to reflect where the .EXE file resides in the directory tree. Under the section for your development platform ([Platform .NTx86] for example), edit the file1= entry so that it indicates where the .EXE file is, or move the .EXE file to the directory in the file1= entry of the .CFG file. Then run INSTFORM. Syntax and parameter information is found in INSTFORM Syntax and Parameters.

    To install the TOOLFORM Form in the Personal Forms Library
  1. To install the form in the personal forms library, type a command similar to the following:

    /REGISTRY=PERSONAL /PROFILE=<user profile name>

  2. Verify that the TOOLFORM form has been installed by opening and sending the form.

    To verify successful installation of TOOLFORM
  1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Client.
  2. Create a new mailbox called Tools if you do not have such a mailbox. This form may only be sent only to a destination mailbox called Tools unless the source code is modified.
  3. From the Tools menu, choose Options. Select the Microsoft Exchange Server property page.
  4. Click Manage Forms. The Forms Manager dialog box is displayed with additional controls.
  5. Select the library you want to view by clicking the Set button opposite that entry.
  6. From the Compose dialog box, select New Form. Under Organization, select the Toolform form. The form opens.
  7. Fill in the fields of the form
  8. Send the form to Tools.