POSTSMPL: Mail-Enabling an Application

The POSTSMPL sample application demonstrates how to add the mail-enabling functionality of Send and Post Message to a text editor. Several users can use POSTSMPL to route a document and incorporate their edits in a single file. This file can then be sent to another user or posted to a public or private folder from inside the text editor.

When POSTSMPL is called, it opens a Text Edit box that allows the user to edit text using common toolbar commands. A summary page is included on the File menu, which allows users to fill in information that is used when the document is posted to the folder. Summary information can include the following:

These five properties become standard MAPI properties when the document is posted and become the document heading.

    To build POSTSMPL
  1. Change to the directory containing the POSTSMPL source files:


  2. Type NMAKE.