QUEVIEW: Listing Gateway Folders

QUEVIEW is an Administrator extension application that adds a new property page to the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program. From this property page, administrators can view messages in gateway queue folders. They can also perform actions on the messages in the queue folders if they have the appropriate rights.

Use this application to view gateway folders, specifically MTS-IN and MTS-OUT, and to view messages in transit while they are in these folders (also known as the queue).

Although QUEVIEW is an Administrator extension application, it uses no extension data. The information it displays on its property sheets is a snapshot of folders and their contents that are obtained when QUEVIEW is started. QUEVIEW does not update its display in real time, but it does provide a Refresh button that updates the display.

    To build QUEVIEW
  1. Change to the directory containing the QUEVIEW source files:


  2. Type NMAKE.

To run QUEVIEW, connect it to a gateway running on your computer.

    To run QUEVIEW
  1. Under the directory \EXCHSRVR\ADD-INS, create the directory \QUEVIEW\I386. For DEC-Alpha computers, see the Note that follows the last step.
  3. Install QUEVIEW.DLL using EXTNINST.EXE.

    For example:

    EXTNINST /SITEDN=/o=Microsoft/ou=Redmond
    /DISPLAY_NAME="EDK Queue Viewer Extension for I386" /MACHINE=i386 /NAME=QUEVIEW

  4. In the Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator program, edit the gateway's raw attributes. (Start ADMIN.EXE with the /RAW parameter. On the File menu, click the Raw Properties option.)
  5. List attributes of type All.
  6. Edit the attribute Extension-Name; enter QUEVIEW as the new extension name.
  7. Click Add, then click OK. This automatically closes the gateway's property sheet.
  8. Reopen the gateway's property sheet.
  9. Click the Queue Viewer tab.

Note To run QUEVIEW on the DEC-Alpha platform, follow the preceding steps, substituting "Alpha" for "I386" in all cases. For example, Step 1 becomes: "Under the directory \EXCHSRVR\ADD-INS, create the directory \QUEVIEW\Alpha".

Now when you select a folder, messages currently in that folder will be displayed.