The OVERFLOW object prints all of the items in the overflow buffer created by objects on the current page. There may also be overflow from previous pages if it has not been explicitly deleted. If an overflow property is specified, this object prints the items in that overflow. You can also specify the space requirements for the overflow buffer objects.

The OPTIONS property, if present, requires the following parameters.

Parameter Description
FULL | MINIMAL When set to FULL, prints the full text of the items. This option should be used in conjunction with repeating pages because long items can overflow a single page.

When set to MINIMAL, specifies that appointments and tasks occupy a minimal amount of space, usually two lines per appointment and one line per task.

This option prints ellipses (�) at the end of the line.

<integer> A number that specifies how much to shift the text. You can use this option to put both header text and task horizontal lines into the overflow buffer and then shift the text. The overflow object can distinguish between text and non-text items.
CLEAR Specifies that the overflow buffer should throw away any previously collected objects when moving to a new page.

If this option is not set, any unprinted items in the overflow buffer goes to the next page.

CONSUME Specifies that the overflow buffer should discard any unprinted objects left after it prints all the objects that it can print.

This option is useful when there are multiple unrelated overflow buffers on a single page.

If this option is not set, any unprinted items in the overflow buffer go to the next page.

The STYLE property is optional for this object. If included, it is used to print the string �More Items...� in any case where the OVERFLOW object is unable to print all the overflow buffers within the given rectangle. The STYLE property should only be specified when the OPTIONS property is set to MINIMAL.