Customizing Schedule+ Menus

You can provide users with custom functionality through commands on the Schedule+ menu bar. For example, you can add a custom menu command named Statistics that enables users to retrieve statistical information from their schedule files. Choosing Statistics can start a Visual Basic or Visual C++ program that displays schedule file statistics about items, such as the total number of contacts in the schedule file, total number of hours during which meetings are scheduled for the week or month, and so on.

You can remove menu commands from existing Schedule+ menus or remove entire menus. You can also add or remove menus by adding entries to the SCHDPLUS.INI file on Microsoft® Windows® version 3.1 and Microsoft Windows for Workgroups version 3.11, or to the Microsoft® Windows NT® or Windows 95 Registry. New menus can be added to the Schedule+ menu bar, or you can add new commands to existing Schedule+ menus.

On Windows NT Server and Windows 95, you should add entries to one or both of the following registry keys, depending on whether you are adding or removing menus:

hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\schedule+\custom menus
hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\schedule+\deleted menus