The Application object represents the running instance of a Schedule+ application. It is the only Schedule+ object that can be retrieved by other applications.
The Application object has the following data members.
Data Member | Description |
Application | Returns an Application object. |
EndRange | Returns the end date of the range of dates in view on the topmost open schedule. |
EndSelection | Returns the end date and time of the selection in the topmost open schedule. |
IsItemSelected | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an item is selected in the topmost open schedule. |
IsMailEnabled | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether Schedule+ is working in a group-enabled environment. |
IsScheduleSelected | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a Schedule+ user has a currently open schedule. |
ItemIdSelected | Returns the item identifier for the selected item in the topmost schedule. |
LoggedOn | Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a user has logged on. |
Parent | Returns to the object�s parent object. |
ScheduleLogged | Returns the Schedule object for the currently logged-on user. |
ScheduleSelected | Returns the Schedule object for the topmost open schedule. |
StartRange | Returns the start range of the range of dates in the view for the topmost open schedule. |
StartSelection | Returns the start date and time of the selection in the topmost open schedule. |
TableSelected | Returns the name of the table that contains the selected item, or an error if no table is selected. |
UserEntryId | Returns the MAPI entry identifier for the logged-on Schedule+ user. |
UserName | Returns the name of the user that is currently logged on to Schedule+. |
UserSearchKey | Returns the MAPI search key of the currently-logged-on Schedule+ user. |
The Application object has the following methods.
Method | Description |
Logoff | Logs off Schedule+. |
Logon | Logs on to Schedule+. |
ScheduleForFile | Opens a schedule file for a filename. |
ScheduleForUser | Opens a schedule file for a specific user. |