Application Object

The Application object represents the running instance of a Schedule+ application. It is the only Schedule+ object that can be retrieved by other applications.

The Application object has the following data members.

Data Member Description
Application Returns an Application object.
EndRange Returns the end date of the range of dates in view on the topmost open schedule.
EndSelection Returns the end date and time of the selection in the topmost open schedule.
IsItemSelected Returns a Boolean value indicating whether an item is selected in the topmost open schedule.
IsMailEnabled Returns a Boolean value indicating whether Schedule+ is working in a group-enabled environment.
IsScheduleSelected Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a Schedule+ user has a currently open schedule.
ItemIdSelected Returns the item identifier for the selected item in the topmost schedule.
LoggedOn Returns a Boolean value indicating whether a user has logged on.
Parent Returns to the object�s parent object.
ScheduleLogged Returns the Schedule object for the currently logged-on user.
ScheduleSelected Returns the Schedule object for the topmost open schedule.
StartRange Returns the start range of the range of dates in the view for the topmost open schedule.
StartSelection Returns the start date and time of the selection in the topmost open schedule.
TableSelected Returns the name of the table that contains the selected item, or an error if no table is selected.
UserEntryId Returns the MAPI entry identifier for the logged-on Schedule+ user.
UserName Returns the name of the user that is currently logged on to Schedule+.
UserSearchKey Returns the MAPI search key of the currently-logged-on Schedule+ user.

The Application object has the following methods.

Method Description
Logoff Logs off Schedule+.
Logon Logs on to Schedule+.
ScheduleForFile Opens a schedule file for a filename.
ScheduleForUser Opens a schedule file for a specific user.