
The BusyType property determines whether an item should make the user busy during that time.

Applies To

Appointment object

Data Type





Applications should set the BusyType property to 0 to make an appointment tentative in the Schedule+ user interface. The property should be set to 1 if the appointment is to be firm in the Schedule+ user interface. If this property is not set, the appointment is displayed as tentative.

The following sample code makes an appointment tentative by setting the BusyType property to btfNone:

Sub MakeApptTentative()
Dim objApp As Object
Dim objSchedule As Object
Dim objTable As Object
Dim objAppt As Object

Set objApp = CreateObject("SchedulePlus.Application")
Set objSchedule = objApp.ScheduleLogged
Set objTable = objSchedule.SingleAppointments
Set objAppt = objTable.Item

Debug.Print objAppt.Text

' Make appt tentative by setting the BusyType property to btfNone.
' To change the appt so it is not tentative, set BusyType to btfNormalBusy.
objAppt.BusyType = btfNone

Set objAppt = Nothing
Set objTable = Nothing
Set objSchedule = Nothing

Set objApp = Nothing
End Sub

See Also
