
The ChangeNumber property returns the change number for the schedule.

Applies To

All Item objects

Data Type





The ChangeNumber property allows Schedule+ to synchronize local and server schedules on a per-property basis. If a change is made to any object in the schedule file, this property is increased by one on that object and on all objects that are parents of the object. For example, if the current change number of an Attendee object is 10 and a change is made to that object, the new change number of the Attendee object will be 11, the change number of the Appointment object that contains the Attendee object will be increased by one, and the change number of the Schedule object will be increased by one. In other words, change numbers propagate upward through the object hierarchy.

This property is useful in situations where multiple applications or users are using different copies of the same schedule file. For example, if a user takes a copy of a schedule on a laptop computer, an application can read the ChangeNumber property upon reattaching the laptop computer to the network to see whether information in the network server copy of the schedule has changed. If objects have changed, the application can perform custom operations, such as showing the user a list of all objects in the server-based copy of the schedule that changed while the user was on the road.

Change numbers are schedule-specific, which means that a different set of change numbers are maintained for each schedule. Therefore, applications should not compare change numbers from different schedules and should always check the value of the ScheduleId property of the two files being synchronized to ensure that the same schedule is being used.

See Also
