
In order to run the test driver it needs to be configured and setup the following list must be completed for the tests to run properly.

md c:\ofccert

md c:\ofccert\data

md c:\ofccert\driver

Copy BOL.DLL, DRIVER.EXE, DRIVER.REG, INTER.DLL, and POL.DLL to c:\ofccert\driver

Copy OFCCERT.INI to your windows directory

Load OFCCERT.INI into notepad and modify all the settings for your installation and save the file

Create a shortcut for DRIVER.EXE


Assumptions: We assume that you have the necessary communications setup in order to complete a call to your server. You might want to setup Money97 to verify this. We also expect that your server is setup with accounts that have the ability to perform the BOL, Interbank Transfer, and/or POL functionality.