Align Submenu

See Also

Aligns controls on a form or in a report, label, or class. You can align controls in relationship to each other or to the grid in the Report Designer, Form Designer, Label Designer, or Class Designer. You can align controls by a particular side or by the center.

To do more than just center a single control vertically or horizontally on a form, report, class, or label, you must select more than one control.

These commands are available when you work with a report, label, form, or class. They are enabled when you create controls and select them.

Submenu Commands

The buttons for the Align command equivalents are located on the Layout toolbar.

By default, Visual FoxPro uses the control whose edge is the closest to the direction you selected as the anchor for the alignment.

Using the Layout toolbar, you can align the controls with the side farthest from the side you select by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the correct alignment button.

Align Left Sides

Aligns the left sides of the selected objects.

Align Right Sides

Aligns the right sides of the selected objects.

Align Top Edges

Aligns the top edges of selected controls.

Align Bottom Edges

Aligns the bottom edges of the selected controls.

Align Vertical Centers

Places selected controls so that their centers line up vertically.

Align Horizontal Centers

Places selected controls so that their centers line up horizontally.

Center Vertically

Centers selected controls vertically within their containers.

Center Horizontally

Centers selected controls horizontally within their containers.

Tip   To align objects that are arranged vertically, use the right side, left side, or vertical center alignment. To align objects that are arranged horizontally, use the top, bottom, or horizontal center alignment. If you do the opposite, objects will be stacked on top of each other or will overlap.

For more information, see Chapter 7, Designing Reports and Labels in the User's Guide.