Print When Dialog Box

See Also

Allows the conditional printing of an object based on the value of an expression and controls how objects print when bands are continued.

For field objects, this dialog box controls whether values that don't change from band to band are printed. For non-field objects, this dialog box controls how continued bands are printed.

This dialog box appears when you place a control on a report or label and choose Print When in the control's dialog box.

A slightly different version of Print When appears when you draw a rectangle or line on a report or label, double-click it, and choose Print When from the Rectangle/Line dialog box.

Dialog Box Options

Print repeated values

This option appears for non-field objects only (such as OLE objects, labels, lines, rectangles, and rounded rectangles).


Objects will print when bands containing the object are started.


Object will not print at all unless one or both of the following are checked: In first whole band of new page/column and When detail overflows to new page/column.

Print Repeated Values

This option appears for Field objects only.


Displays repeated values.


Suppresses repeated values.

Also Print

In First Whole Band Of New Page/Column

Prints the field in the first band of a new page or column that is not an overflow from a previous page or column. This box is automatically enabled if you check Yes for Print Repeated Values, and optional if you check No for Print Repeated Values.

When This Group Changes

Prints the field when the chosen group changes. This option is available only if a data group exists and you choose a data group from the list box.

When Detail Overflows to New Page/Column

Prints the field when the Detail band overflows to a new page or a new column.

Remove Line If Blank

Collapses the band if an object is not printing and no other object is occupying the same horizontal space.

Print Only When Expression Is True

Provides space for typing an expression, or displays the Expression Builder dialog box so you can define an expression to be evaluated before the field prints. All other options in this dialog box except Remove Line If Blank are disabled if you include an expression.

For more information, see "Setting Print Options for Controls" in Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports in the Programmer's Guide.