Spelling Dialog Box

See Also

Lets you check spelling in a text file or memo field.

Dialog Box Options

Not In Dictionary

Displays a word not found in the active dictionaries. If your text has column spacing or indents, this box changes to Extra Space.

Note   If you don’t want Visual FoxPro to count extra spaces, change the setting in the Spelling Options dialog box.

Change To/Suggestions

Type or select a replacement for the word not found in the dictionaries. To delete the word in the Not In Dictionary box from the document, delete the text in the Change To box and choose Change All.


Leaves the specified word unchanged in the specified instance.

Ignore All

Leaves the specified word unchanged throughout the document.


Changes the specified word to the word in the Change To box.

Change All

Changes the specified word throughout the document to the word in the Change To box.


Adds the specified word to the dictionary.

Undo Last

Reverses the last replacement made in the document. You can reverse up to five of the most recent replacements.


Displays a list of proposed suggestions after you type a word in the Change To box.


Displays the Spelling Options dialog box, in which you can control the rules Visual FoxPro uses to check spelling.