Syntax Coloring Tab, Options Dialog Box

See Also

Contains options to specify color and font to identify Visual FoxPro program elements, such as keywords and comments, in the command window and in all editing windows — except those opened with the MODIFY FILE or MODIFY MEMO commands.

When you choose Set As Default — which appears on every tab in the dialog box — Visual FoxPro saves the option settings in the registry (system Windows registration database).

Tab Options

Syntax color settings


Choose the type of program element to set font and color options for. When you make your selection, the other controls are updated with values for the selected area.

Font style

Choose a font style for the specified area. For example, to display all comments in your programs italic, select Comments in the Area box, then select Italic in the Font style box.


Choose a color for the text of the selected area. To use the default color established in the Control Panel, select Automatic.


Choose a background color for the selected area. For example, to show comments in yellow text on a blue background, choose Comments in the Area box, select yellow in Foreground, and then select blue in Background. To use the default color established in the Control Panel, select Automatic.


This area displays the effect of your settings.

Reset All

Choose this option to set syntax coloring to the Visual FoxPro default settings.