Removing Pages and Page Frames

See Also

Converted form sets and forms always have a page frame containing at least one page for each read level of the original screen. Unless they supply specific functionality, you can remove the pages and page frame from each form in a form set.

To remove a page from a form set

  1. From the Properties window, select the page to delete.

  2. Select all the controls on the page and choose Cut from the Edit menu.

  3. With the page frame current, press DELETE to remove the page frame.

  4. With the page current, press DELETE to remove the page.

  5. With the form current, choose Paste from the Edit menu to restore the controls.

  6. Change the WindowType property to 0 or 1 before you save the changed form.

When you remove the last page, the page frame is also deleted.

Note When you remove the pages and page frame, you must change the WindowType property to 0 or 1.