Running Existing dBASE Programs

See Also

All dBASE III PLUS and most dBASE IV programs will run unmodified in Visual FoxPro. You can run dBASE programs from the Project Manager, from the Command window, or via the menu system.

When you run a dBASE program, Visual FoxPro recompiles the .prg file into an .fxp file and runs the .fxp.

To increase the likelihood that a dBASE program will run smoothly, issue the command SET COMPATIBLE DB4 in the Command window before running a dBASE program. If the program does not run properly, it may contain unsupported dBASE IV commands, functions, or clauses.

For more information, see Unsupported dBASE IV Commands, Functions, and Clauses.

Note Visual FoxPro recompiles dBASE programs, so the source code (.prg) or design file (.qbe, .scr, .frg, .lbl) must be available.

Because of the differences in SQL implementation, dBASE IV .PRS programs cannot be run in Visual FoxPro. See SQL Differences Between dBASE IV and Visual FoxPro for more information about differences in SQL implementation.

To run a dBASE IV program

  1. In the Command window, type SET COMPATIBLE DB4.

  2. Choose one of the following options:

For more information, see the section, “Adding Files to a Project” in Chapter 13, Compiling An Application, in the Programmer’s Guide.

Run Time Errors

If a dBASE program produces a run time error or unexpected results, you can debug the program using the Visual FoxPro debugger.

Syntax Errors

If a syntax error occurs when you are running a program, Visual FoxPro highlights the error line in an editing window. You can use the Help file to check the proper syntax and usage for the command or function that caused the error.

Debugging Tips

For more information, see “Breaking the Problem Down” in Chapter 1, Introduction to Programming, “Adding Files to a Project” in Chapter 13, Compiling an Application, and  “Isolating Problems,” in Chapter 14, Testing and Debugging Applications, all in the Programmer’s Guide.