Cursor Object

Properties   Events   Methods   See Also

Created when a table or view is added to the data environment for a form, form set, or report.




The cursor object allows you to specify or determine properties for the table or view when the form, FormSet or report is run.

Note that setting a cursor object property at run time generates an error (with the exception of the Filter and Order properties, which can be set at run time). For a new property setting to take effect, you must call the CloseTables and OpenTables methods for the data environment. Also, if you change the Order property at run time of a cursor that is involved in a one-to-many relationship, the one-to-many relationship is broken.

For more information about the data environment for forms and form sets, see "Setting the Data Environment" in Chapter 9, Creating Forms, in the Programmer's Guide.

For more information about the data environment for reports, see Chapter 12, Adding Queries and Reports, in the Programmer's Guide.