Sort Mover

See Also

Category Movers
Default Catalog Visual FoxPro Catalog\Foundation Classes\User Controls
Class _sortmover
Base Class Container
Class Library _mover.vcx
Parent Class _mover
Sample ...\Samples\Vfp98\Solution\Ffc\movers.scx


This subclass of the mover list box class, when placed on a form, automatically handles sorting of data.

See Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes for more information on using foundation classes.

Properties, Events, Methods Description
CurrentAlias property The current alias for field choices.
Default: ""
CurrentDBC property The current database for field choices.
Default: ""
MaxFields property Maximum number of fields allowed.
Default: 3
ShowTags property Specifies whether to show existing index tags in addition to fields.
Default: .F.
aTags[1,1] property Internal to the class.
TagName property Internal to the class.
UpdateMover Internal to the class.