Table Mover

See Also

Category Movers
Default Catalog Visual FoxPro Catalog\Foundation Classes\User Controls
Class _tablemover
Base Class Container
Class Library _mover.vcx
Parent Class _fieldmover
Sample ...\Samples\Vfp98\Solution\Ffc\movers.scx


This subclass of the field mover list box class automatically loads tables and fields from the current datasource.

To use, drop the class on a project or form or, from the Component Gallery Item Shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass. When you add the class to a form, Visual FoxPro opens a builder so you can accept or specify the appropriate cDBCTable, cDBCName, SkipGeneral, SkipMemo, AllowReadOnly, and AllowQuery values on the form in the Form Designer.

See Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes for more information on using foundation classes.

Properties, Events, Methods Description
AllowQuery property Specifies whether to allow queries.
Default: .F.
AllowViews property Specifies whether to allow views.
Default: .T.
ExclDBF property Specifies the name of the table to exclude from the list.
Default: ""
ViewNoData property Specifies whether to show view information without retrieving data.
Default: .T.
GetDBCAlias method Retrieves the database file (.dbc) alias.
Syntax: GetDBCAlias(cDBC)
Return: none
cDBC specifies the database alias.
GetDBCData method Retrieves database table fields.
Syntax: GetDBCData(cDBCName)
Return: data fields
cDBCName specifies the name of the database.
GetDBCName method Retrieves the database name.
Syntax: GetDBCName( )
Return: none
Arguments: none
GetDBCTable method Retrieves the database table.
Syntax: GetDBCTable(cDBCTable)
Return: none
cDBCTable specifies the short name of the table
GetFreeData method Retrieves free table fields.
Syntax: GetFreeData( )
Return: none
Arguments: none
MoverRefresh method Refreshes movers.
Syntax: MoverRefresh(lRefresh, lQuickPass, cSaveLstValue)
Return: none
lRefresh specifies whether to repopulate listboxes and popups.
specifies whether to restore if the environment is unchanged.
specifies the value to restore.
OpenTable method Opens the datasource.
Syntax: OpenTable( )
Return: none
Arguments: none
UseTable method Handles what table is opened with USE and whether the table is opened exclusively.
Syntax: UseTable(cGetDBF, lUseExcl)
Return: none
cGetDBF specifies the table to use.
lUseExcl specifies whether the table is opened exclusively.
ExclusiveSet method Internal to the class.
RefreshCurrent method Internal to the class.
TableChange method Internal to the class.