_UserError( ) API Library Routine

See Also   Example

Reports an error with the null-terminated text you specify in message.


void _UserError(char FAR *message)
char FAR *message;         /* Error message. */


The Visual FoxPro internal code for this error is 98. The code returned by the Visual FoxPro ERROR( ) function is 1098. The Visual FoxPro MESSAGE( ) function returns to the user your specified message. Control is passed to the Visual FoxPro error handler and doesn't return.

Note   Do not call _UserError( ) in a CALLUNLOAD routine: the library will not load, due to the _UserError( ) call, and no message will be displayed.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Chapter 28, Accessing the Visual FoxPro API, in the Programmer's Guide.