Example   See Also

Displays and activates a menu.


  [AT nRow, nColumn]
  [BAR nMenuItemNumber]



Specifies the name of the menu to activate.

AT nRow, nColumn

Specifies the position of the menu on the screen or in a user-defined window. The row and column coordinate applies to the upper-left corner of the menu. The position you specify with this argument takes precedence over a position you specify with the FROM argument in DEFINE POPUP.

BAR nMenuItemNumber

Specifies the item in the menu that is selected when the menu is activated. For example, if nMenuItemNumber is 2, the second item is selected. The first item is selected if you omit BAR nMenuItemNumber or if nMenuItemNumber is greater than the number of items in the menu.


Specifies that, at run time, a program does not wait for the user to choose an item from the menu before continuing program execution. Instead, the program continues to execute.


A menu created with the PROMPT FIELD clause of DEFINE POPUP places records from a field into the menu. When the menu is activated, the first item in the menu is initially selected, even if the record pointer in the table containing the field is positioned on a record other than the first record.

Include REST to specify that the item selected when the menu is activated corresponds to the current record pointer position in the table.


ACTIVATE POPUP works in conjunction with DEFINE POPUP, used to create the menu, and DEFINE BAR, used to create the items on the menu.