Application Wizard (5.0) Object Methods

See Also

When the Application Wizard (5.0) creates a new project, it creates an application wizard object called cApplication, subclassed from the wzApplication object in the Appwiz.vcx library. When the application runs, the main program (projname.prg) creates an instance of the application wizard object cApplication, then calls its methods to control the application.

The application wizard object contains code for standard methods, and includes a set of new methods.

The following new methods are defined for the wzApplication and cApplication objects.

Application Wizard Object Customized Methods

Event Description
DestroyEvent Clears events and restores the environment.
InitEvent Saves the environment and resets the list of application forms.

The following new methods are defined for the wzApplication and cApplication objects.

Application Wizard Object New Methods

Event Description
BeforeReadEvents Contains any procedure that should be executed before the application's READ EVENTS loop is started. The default is to do nothing.
ClearEvents Clears any pending read events.
DoForm Executes a form.
DoLabel Executes a label.
DoMenu Executes a menu.
DoProgram Executes a .prg, .app, or .exe program.
DoReport Executes an .frx report.
FileNotFoundMsgBox Displays a File Not Found message box.
GetCaption Returns the caption of the application.
GetIcon Returns the icon of the application.
OnShutDown Confirms with a message box that the user wants to exit Visual FoxPro.
ReadEvents Starts read events mode after performing any initialization procedure.
RefreshFormsCollection Refreshes the list of the application's forms from collection arrays and counters.
Release Releases the application.
ReleaseForm Releases specific form or all active forms from memory.
ReleaseForms Releases all application forms from memory.
ReleaseFormsCollection Releases all forms listed in collection arrays and counters.
ResetFormsCollection Clears the list of the application's forms in collection arrays and counters.
RestoreEnvironment Restores the application's caption and icon.
SaveEnvironment Saves the application's caption and icon into custom properties.
SetCaption Sets the caption of the application's main window.
SetIcon Sets the icon of the application.
Show Displays the application's startup menu and form.