Application Wizard (5.0) Object Properties

See Also

When an Application Wizard creates a new project, it creates an application wizard object called cApplication, subclassed from the wzApplication object in the Appwiz.vcx library. When the application runs, the main program (projname.prg) creates an instance of the application wizard object cApplication, then uses the object's properties calls its methods to control the application.

In addition, the wizard creates a form called QckStart, which is subclassed from the Wzquickstartform form in the Appwiz.vcx library.

The following new properties are defined for the wzApplication and cApplication objects.

Application Wizard Object Properties

Property Description
aFormNames[ ] Array containing names of all forms.
aForms[ ] Array containing all forms.
cCaption Used to store form caption.
cIcon Used to store form icon.
cLastCopy Used to temporarily store form caption when the environment is saved.
cLastIcon Used to temporarily store form icon when environment is saved.
cStartupForm Contains name of form executed when the Application object is shown.
cStartupMenu Contains name of menu executed when the application object is shown.
lCascadeForms Specifies whether forms are cascaded if multiple instances of the same form are opened in the same top and left positions of the desktop (default = .T.).
lReadEvents Specifies that the READ EVENTS command should be issued from within the form's ReadEvents method.
nFormCount Forms collection count for the Application object.
nPixeloffset Specifies the number of pixels by which multiple instances of the same form should be offset.

The following new properties are defined for the wzQuickStartForm and QckStart forms.

Quick Start Form Properties

Property Description
aCommands[ ] List of all forms defined in the application.
nFileCount Count of all forms defined in the application.