ATCLINE( ) Function

Example   See Also

Returns the line number of the first occurrence of a character expression or memo field within another character expression or memo field, without regard for the case (upper or lower) of the characters in either expression.


ATCLINE(cSearchExpression, cExpressionSearched)





Specifies the character expression that ATCLINE( ) searches for in cExpressionSearched.


Specifies the character expression cSearchExpression searches for.

Both cSearchExpression and cExpressionSearched can be memo fields of any size. Use MLINE( ) to return the line containing the matching character expression.

Tip   ATCLINE( ) offers a convenient way to search memo fields.


If the search is successful, ATCLINE( ) returns the number of the line containing the first character expression. If the search is unsuccessful, ATCLINE( ) returns 0.

The line number that ATCLINE( ) returns is determined by the value of SET MEMOWIDTH, even if cExpressionSearched isn't a memo field. For more information, see SET MEMOWIDTH.

Use ATLINE( ) to perform a case-sensitive search.