AutoCloseTables Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies whether the tables or views specified by the data environment are closed when the form set, form, or report is released. Available at design time; read-only at run time.


DataEnvironment.AutoCloseTables[ = lExpr]



The settings for the AutoCloseTables property are:

Setting Description
True (.T.) (Default) Closes the tables and views when the form set, form, or report is released.
False (.F.) Tables and views remain open when the form set, form, or report is released.


If AutoCloseTables is set to false (.F.) and the form set, form, or report is not running in a private data session, the tables and views associated with Cursors in the data environment remain open after the form set, form, or report is released. In all other cases, the tables and views associated with Cursors in the data environment are closed.