BufferMode Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies whether records are updated pessimistically or optimistically. Available at design time and run time.


Object.BufferMode[ = nValue]



The settings for the BufferMode property are:

Setting Description
0 (Default) None. Records are locked when editing begins and fields are written when the record pointer moves. Mimics FoxPro 2.x behavior.
1 Pessimistic. Records are locked when editing begins and fields are written when the record pointer moves. You can use TABLEREVERT( ) to undo your changes to the current record.
2 Optimistic. Records are not locked when edited and Visual FoxPro attempts to lock the records when they are written to disk with TABLEUPDATE( ).


If BufferMode is set to 1 or 2, any cursor used by a Grid control is enabled for table buffering. Any other control bound to data uses row buffering.