OLEDragPicture Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies the picture displayed under the mouse pointer during an OLE drag-and-drop operation. Available at design time and run time.


Object.OLEDragPicture[= cFileName]



Specifies the file name and path of the graphic to display when an OLE drag-and-drop operation occurs. The graphics file you specify can be of type .bmp, .dib, .jpg, .gif, .ani, .cur, or .ico.

The graphics file is typically a translucent or outline representation of the object being dragged. To create a translucent representation of the object, use a black-and-white checkerboard mask file (.msk).


OLEDragPicture is a drag source property. The picture is displayed when the mouse pointer is positioned over the form containing the drag source.