See Also

Specifies a command that executes when you choose a specific menu title on a menu bar.


ON SELECTION PAD MenuTitleName OF MenuBarName


MenuTitleName OF MenuBarName

Specifies the menu title name to which the command is assigned.


Specifies the Visual FoxPro command to execute when you choose the specified menu title.


When you choose the specified menu title, Visual FoxPro executes the command you specify with ON SELECTION PAD. Typically, ON SELECTION PAD uses DO to execute a procedure or program when you choose a specific menu title from the menu bar. When you create and activate the menu bar, place ON SELECTION PAD between DEFINE MENU and ACTIVATE MENU.

Use ON SELECTION MENU to execute a command when you choose any menu title on a menu bar. Use ON PAD to activate a menu or menu bar when you choose a specific menu title on a menu bar.

Use ON SELECTION PAD without a command to release a command assigned to the menu title.